
Kvarken Orienteering Festival 2015

Salla och Kim Fagerudd, vinnare av Kvarkenträffen och Konungens Ringar 2015. (Foto: Jens Jern) Salla and Kim Fagerudd, winners of Kvarken Orienteering Festival and The King’s Rings 2015. (Photo: Jens Jern)[/caption] Now Kvarken calls, the land that rises from the sea At home in Malax, Johan saves the best of his forest for the premiere. By the water in Vaasa, Mauri’s ax rests before the natural forces. On the rock where Korsholm meets Vähäkyrö, Ingmar carves the final courses. Welcome to the Kvarken Orienteering Festival 16–18 July 2015. Three middle distances. Three different terrains. Tremendous prizes. + With discount until 31 May, at last year’s fees until 11 July. + Win world heritage adventures, cruises and accommodation. + New updates almost every Friday. See you – through www.kvarkentrio.fi]]>