Classes D/H21A and B, H21C, D35-75, H35-85, D/H20, 18, 16, 14, 13 and 12, as well as 12TR and 10RR.
Open classes 5 km, 3 km and RR. Control rally (Rastiralli) for 5-12 year olds.
Entry fees
– 5/31 |
–7/11 |
–7/13 at 4 pm |
Class |
3 days |
1 day |
3 days |
1 day |
3 days |
1 day |
D/H 21–85 |
€40 |
15 |
45 |
18 |
80 |
30 |
D/H 16-20 |
€27 |
10 |
30 |
12 |
54 |
20 |
D/H –14 |
€20 |
8 |
24 |
10 |
40 |
16 |
Open |
€25 |
10 |
30 |
12 |
30 |
12 |
The fees should be paid through the online competition calendar
Irma when entering. If you represent a foreign club, another alternative is Vaasan Suunnistajat’s account at Vaasan Osuuspankki, IBAN: FI89 5670 0820 1998 32, BIC: OKOYFIHH. Anmäl deltagarens namn, klass och tävlingsdagar.
Fees on site in the Open classes 30 euroa for three days or 12 €/day, Control rally 3 €/day.
Entries for all the tree days at the latest Saturday 11th July via
Irma. When entering, please inform us about your Emit card number. If you have not entered any card number, we will automatically reserve a rental card for you. The Emit rental cost is 5€/card. Class- and Emit-changes: 2 €.
Late entries at 2 x the ordinary fee, by Monday 13th July 16.00 EET at the latest, via Irma.
Course lengths and expected winning times
16.7. D21A 30 minutes H21A 35 minutes
17.7. D21A 35 min. H21A 40 min.
18.7. D21A 40 min. H21A 50 min.
Middle distance in all the other classes on Thursday. On Friday and Saturday middle distance plus 5–10 minutes.
Chasing start final on Saturday in D/H21A and 20, 18 and 16, according to the results after the two first stages.
Map scale 1:10 000. In the classes 12,TR and RR 1:7 500. Contour interval 2,5 metres, printed 6/2015.
Prizes in the main categories D21A and H21A training grants to the three best overall: 1) 300 euroa, 2) 200€, 3) 100€. The winners receive the Ring of the King Trophy for one year – and a 100€ gift voucher to the
Noname webshop. The best juniors in D/H21A will receive bonus prizes and the best orienteers in all chasing start categories receive gift vouchers.
All participants will be awarded after finishing each day. The best overall will receive prizes on the final day. Prizes are also distributed in a lottery among all participants – the first among everyone that has entered by 31st May.
Parking near the competition centres.
Child care in the competition centres.
Dressing and showers in field conditions.
Further information Hannu Uusi-Pohjola tel. +358 (0)50 5919101, e-mail hannu.uusi-pohjola@
News and updates
Stage 1 in Malax, Thursday 16/7
Lättframkomligt och bra underlag. Känn o-sporten gro.
Signs from road 8 in Långåminne, a 15 minutes drive.
First start 18.00.
Organiser Malax IF, event director Richard Strandberg, main course setter Johan Holmback, controller Karl-Gustav Norrgrann Närpes OK.
Stage 2 in Vaasa, Friday 17/7
Hitta rätt i sprintens energiska födelsestad.
Signs from Hietasaari in Vaasa (Vaskiluoto bridge), a 6 minutes drive.
First start 18.00.
Organiser Vaasan Suunnistajat, event director Pertti Välimaa, main course setter Mauri Kerätär, children’s courses Kalevi Mäki-Maunus, controller Heikki Tamminen Suunta-Jurva.
Stage 3 in Korsholm, Saturday 18/7
Upplev VM-medaljörernas hemmaterräng.
Signs from road 8, some 20 km north of Vaasa, a 5 minutes drive.
First start 11.00. Chasing start in D/H21A, 20, 18 and 16. Those who are more than 30 minutes behind the leader or do not have an overall result will start at the end of the field, with interval start.
Organiser IF Femman, main course setter Ingmar Bäckström, children’s courses Eija Blomqvist.
Welcome! • Välkommen! • Tervetuloa!
…as well to the pre-SM sprint 10/9 and the Finnish Championships in Vaasa and Vörå 17-18/9 2016.
Malax IF • Vaasan Suunnistajat • IF Femman]]>